Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 50

In memory of a cherished blossom By Asma Shaikh I sit with a heavy heart to write this piece, yet there seems to be an engaging quality about writing that transports one into an altogether surreal world as the words are penned. The eyes shed strings of tears in memory of someone who left glittering footsteps on the well-trodden path of life, leaving behind a swirling mist of nostalgic memories that do not seem to end. My grandma was a woman par excellence. Small and petite, she was the very embodiment of humility and endless service to the creation of Allah I. She carried a heart of go ld, a heart that held the sorrows of many with compassion, that sailed through storms with forbearance, that exuded warmth and love to the young and old. I can still picture her in the mind’s eye, patiently lending an ear to a school janitor, listening attentively to her myriad of life’s problems. No malice and hatred invaded her heart; never a word spoken in disparaging remarks for anyone. Her soft tones for those in distress soothed many a dismal hearts. We were little, and she would take us to the zoo, or a theme park, or just for a cool glass of plain sugarcane juice tinted with ginger in the summers. A word would but escape our mouths and she would fulfill what our little hearts desired. She unflinchingly cared for every single one of her grandchildren. She was a woman adorned with Hayaa (modesty), resolute in veiling what Allah  bestowed on her from His creation of beauty; never an uncalled for step taken in front of a stranger, never a raised voice; her bashful gaze always lowered in obedience to Allah . She would line her wise eyes with kuhl for Asma Shaikh is a student of ‘Aalimiyyah at Nur ul Ilm Academy. She is a teacher who is very passionate about teaching, and her students are indebted to her for the beautiful way she passes on the sacred knowledge. NISBAH 50