Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 54

interesting. He asks us questions that force us to think deeply about each hadith and its chain of narrators. We all try our best, but very rarely do we acquire the level of understanding that he has. Time really seems to fly when Shaykh Sahab is teaching us. We are learning Muslim Shareef, Sunan Abu Dawood and Bukhari from our dearest Baji Jaan. Out of the three teachers, she is the only female teacher, and therefore she teaches us without a screen. Her class has a very different feel to the classes of our other teachers. Being a female, most of us are more at ease in her classes and often do not hold back on our questions. Sometimes these questions turn to light hearted discussions, and before we know it, Baji Jaan is getting worried about the slow pace of our classes. We then all promise her that we will refrain from asking too many questions, but sadly our promises don’t last long. Baji Jaan has her own unique style of teaching; very lively and very passionate. While teaching, she often smiles and gives us eye contact to keep our minds engaged. With her strong voice and expression, it feels like the surroundings just fade away, and all I am aware of is, of her presence and what we are studying with her. Our third teacher is Mawlana Imran who teaches us Bukhari. This is the first time we are learning from Mawlana Sahab and we all absolutely love his class. He starts the class with a small dua and durood, and there is something about the way he reads it that immediately everyone’s focus changes to what we are about to study. He has a very calm personality that exudes humility and sincerity. He is an extremely patient teacher. Even though he is under pressure to finish the course, he still takes his time in NISBAH 54 replying to all our questions which sometimes unintentionally go off topic. He has a beautiful way of teaching hadith, and he uses many examples and personal experiences to explain them. As I am writing this, I know words cannot do justice to how I feel about my teachers. and I know I’ll be forever in their debt for all they are doing for me. All I can do is make dua for them and ask Allah  to grant me tawfiq to practice what I am learning from them. May Allah  make my beloved teachers a source of guidance for many, and may He secure a place for them in the highest level of Paradise. Ameen. Saneela Aslam has done her ACMA, Associate to the Institute of Cost Management Accountance. She is a well loved figure within the madrasah. Not only is she a student of fourth year (Aalimiyyah) but also a dedicated teacher, wife and mother of three wonderful children.