Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 47

to straighten the shoes that were really filthy and dirty and he would pick up the clean shoes. The shaykh thought, he still needs a lot of work on him. So the next day, the shaykh said, I want the dirtiest shoes picked by hand in the front row and then the other ones. If there is arrogance in our character, they know how to take it out. They know what is wrong in our character and gradually they will remove it. This comes from khidmah. They might tell you to do certain things which you do not like. It is hard on your nafs (lower self ) but because you take a shaykh as your teacher then of course you obey him. And even unwillingly you will do it. So sometimes you do not even do what your parents tell you, but what your teacher tells you, you do it. So that is why we need to take a teacher because he will train you. So, what will happen? Gradually, the good character will come inside you. When you will start doing it in front of your mashaikh, you will start doing it in front of other people as well. When we will show khidmah to them, we will show khidmah to the creation of Allah . When we lower ourselves in front of them, we lower ourselves in front of everybody else as well. And it will gradually bring the goodness of character in us. This is the whole idea behind the science of purification. This is tasawwuf. Tasawwuf is to build good character and that is what our mashaikh struggle day and night to do. Why? They are not getting anything out of it. Why? For me and you! That our hearts can be beautified. Prophet  said, “A person who has even an atom’s weight of arrogance cannot smell the fragrance of Paradise even when the fragrance of Paradise can be smelled from miles and miles away.” The mashaikh work on us, they make us humble. They will forcefully work on us and at the end of the day we are benefitting. We will get pure hearts and this is what we have to strive for. We are lucky that today we do not have to go far to find mashaikh. We should take benefit from them, let them work on our hearts. Talk about your issues, your shaykh will work on it. He will try to take the evil out of the character and maintain the balance and the equilibrium. Then InshaAllah we will be amongst those who are considered to be the Siddiqeen. Allah  has mentioned about the siddiqeen, َّ َّ َ َ ‫َف ُأوَل ِئك َم َع ال ِذ� َأ ْن َعم الل ع َل يْ�م ِم‬ ‫ي نَ َ ُ َ ِ ْ ن‬ َ‫َّ نَ ّ ِ نَ ُّ َ ِ َّ ِ ِ ن‬ �‫الن ِب ِّي ي� َوالص ِّديق ي� َوال�ش َداء َوالصال ي‬ ِ With those whom Allah has blessed, namely, the Prophets, the Siddiqin, the Shuhada’ and the righteous.(4:69) The Prophets and the siddiqeen are together in Paradise. This is what these people get, to be on 47 NISBAH