Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 46

opinion, then work on that character trait within yourself and try to eliminate the bad and keep the balance in your character. you.’ If you did not like what you heard, and then just look in yourself. ‘Do I ever do that with my child? So observe people and then check yourself. The third thing is that you should try to take help from your enemies. Sometimes enemies are more honest than friends because their eyes are on your faults. This is good because they will tell you your faults , and this will give you the opportunity to eliminate them. Remember that this world is temporary, so whatever bad is happening to you it is temporary. Always repel the bad with good because eventually that good is going to be stored in your deeds, it is your investment and that is going to help you on the Day of Judgment. There was once a shaykh (a spiritual guide), and he was delivering a talk. Sometimes when the scholars are giving talks people become jealous of them. So somebody just stood up during his lecture and said, “Oh, you show off ’. The shaykh replied that’ Alhamdulillah at least one person out of the whole crowd recognized me.’ So this was the character of these people that they will take the critical analysis of their enemies and then they will work on that trait. Scholars also say that you should observe people as well. If you are walking down the road and you see a woman talking to her child. ‘Keep quiet, otherwise I will slap The last thing that the scholars say that we all have to do is that we have to take a shaykh in our lives as well. These mashaikh (spiritual masters) are specialized in the spiritual diseases. They are cardiologists of the heart. When you get heartache, where do you go? To a heart specialist, right? So when we know that we have these evil traits in our heart, we need to go to a cardiologist. This cardiologist is a shaykh who will help you in treating the diseases of the heart. The mashaikh have different ways. It is mentioned about a shaykh that when he was still a student, his shaykh knew that he was from a rich family. He was also a handsome man, who loved to wear clean and nice clothes. It is good to wear clean clothes but again the balance was not there. The shaykh recognized that the balance is not there, meaning that he is too much into it. It has to be controlled. So the shaykh told him that when you come to my dhikr (remembrance) gathering, I have to ask for khidmah (service). The shaykh asked him to put the shoes of the people in an organized manner in rows. The student used his feet