Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 45

we are getting reward. So we have to understand that this is why Imam Ghazzali v said that this world is like water and you are a boat. Keep it below you and you will sail on it. But if you let it come inside you, then you will drown and destroy yourself. This is how we have to maintain the balance. Keep the balance of the qualities which Allah  has given you, all qualities. If they are directed towards the right direction, they are good. And if they are kept under the balance of Sharia and of the Quran and Sunnah (example of Prophet ) then they are good. But if the balance is disturbed then they destroy us. So that is why the scholars say how do we do that? This is the question. Because we all want to have the perfect character. That is what Allah  has told us, that we have to perfect our character, noble our character. How do we do that? The scholars have said that character is something that is in you, naturally. But if it is not naturally there, how do you bring it naturally? The answer to that is that you make it your habit, forcefully. For example a person knows that alcohol is not good. Forcefully somebody will give him a drink. He will drink it, but he does not like it. The first time it will not taste good. The second time, come on, do it, do it, force it, force it. So he says ‘Ok I will drink it one more time.’ Three times, five times, seven times. He becomes an alcoholic and now he enjoys it! Now nobody needs to force him, naturally he goes to the store, gets a bottle of wine and he drinks it. So an evil quality when put forcefully, can become your habit. Then why cannot a good quality be put forcefully and that will become your habit. am not going to get angry. I am not going to say anything.’ If you think that your quwwat of shahwat is imbalanced. Let’s say you are stingy. You forcefully tell yourself, I have to give charity. You will not like it in the first ten, twenty or thirty times maybe but then as you keep doing it, it will become The second thing is that, you should take help from friends. Like Hazrat Umar  used to say, that I make dua (supplication) for that person who shows me my faults. What do we do? Somebody tells us our faults, we start hating that person. ‘Oh he doesn’t look at himself and I look bad to him.’ Our husbands might say that I have noticed you are getting angry nowadays and our reply is ‘Yeah have you seen your sister, what she does?’. The Prophet  says that when Allah  wants good for somebody then this is a sign that he blessed that your habit and once it becomes your habit it will naturally start occurring from you. And when it naturally starts occurring from you, it becomes your character. Then your character will become generous. Similarly, you get angry. Force yourself, ‘I person with a friend who will remind him when he forgets. It is a blessing because they want our good, and that is why they are showing us that there is something wrong in us. So learn from your friends. Ask them, and if they give you an honest 45 NISBAH