Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 44

designing my next dress. That is their passion. So don’t make it your passion. What happens when you are ironing your best designer dress on the day of Eid and it gets burnt. What happens to your heart? If something happened, then something is very wrong with your heart. And if nothing happened to your heart, temperance, you have modesty. You have shahwat, but you are modest because you are directing it in the right direction. There is narration of the Prophet e, which says,  ‫الرهبانية يف� السالم‬ ‫إ‬ There is no celibacy in Islam. In fact, the Prophet  said in one of the hadith that a person who eats good food and does shukr ( is thankful), he gets the same reward of a person who fasts and does sabr (patience). So you can make your biryani and your pakoras. It is good to enjoy the blessings of Allah  because if you will not have the likeness for the blessings, how will you do shukr? Shukr, gratitude is something that Allah  loves. He loves the shakireen(the ones who are thankful). NISBAH 44 Yo u r r e l i g o n teaches you the quwwat of s h a h w a t . Th e Pro ph e t  enjoyed eating certain foods. If you read Shamail Tirmidhi, Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim (books of narration) there are chapters on eating and drinking. Prophet  enjoyed certain types of drinks and he said how good this food is. This means he did have that taste in him, but he was not passionate about it in such a sense that, that was the only thing he thought about. I mean subhanAllah, I literally know people that the only thing they think about is food. We even have an English term for thes e people, ‘Foodies’. They have just eaten their lunch and all they want to think about is what they are going to have for dinner. Similarly, women dreaming about dresses. I had a student and she was into dress designing. She told me that if I go to somebody’s house and pray there, I look at the prayer mat and it starts giving me ideas of َ َ ‫إ نَّ� ِل َّل َوإ َّنـا إ َل ْي ِه‬  ‫ِ ِ ِ ِ راجعون‬ ِ “We certainly belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return.” (2:156) It came from Allah  and it went back to Allah . Alhamdulillah, it does not matter. The same Allah  who gave me one designer dress, He will give me another one. This is what it means to keep it in balance. The people of Allah  also have good cars, they also wear good clothes but they are not running after the dunya (worldly life). They are not passionate about dunya. That is what we have to understand. When Allah  gives us we should be grateful .That is why the Prophet  said that,” What a beautiful state a Muslim is in, that when Allah gives him he does shukr and the shukr becomes good for him and when Allah takes from him he does sabr and the sabr becomes good for him. So we have a winwin situation. In both situations