Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 43

is why Allah  has given us this quality of hate. Allah  says in the Quran, ً َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َّ َ ‫ر بنا ما خلقت هذا ب�طل‬ ِ “Our Lord, You have not created all this in vain.” (3:191) Even the quality of hate is good, if it is kept in balance. The quality of anger is good, if it is kept in balance, it will give you nobility. It will give you guts to stand for the right. That is why you will have steadfastness because you are strong. Allah mentions that quality in the Quran that these people say, ُ َّ ُ‫َقالوا َر ُّب َنا الل ثُ� اس َت َقام‬ ‫ُ َّ ْ وا‬ Those who have declared: “Our Lord is Allah”, then remained steadfast (41:30) They are not shaky, they are not weak people. You kick them out, you push them out and they will not stop practicing Islam. This is the quality of the Sahaba . Allah  says, ُْ َ ُ َ ُ ََ ُ�َ‫أ ِش َّداء ع َل الك َّفار ُرحاء َب ْي ن‬ ‫م‬ ِ “And those who are with him are hard on the disbelievers, compassionate among themselves.” (48:29) This means that quwwat of ghadab is needed, but it has to be kept under balance and then it will bring forbearance. When you will have strength, you will have forbearance, and you will forgive people because you are firm. Our Hazrat Ji ‫دامت‬ ‫ بركاهتم‬always says, that a person who is weak gets angry. This is scientifically proven. That is why children get very angry and they start screaming because they are weak. Women get more angry than men. Old people get more angry than young people. So that means, showing anger brings out the quality of weakness, not of strength. That is why the Prophet  asked the Sahaba , ‘Who is a wrestler?’ The Sahaba  said, ‘Who can beat the other person in wrestling.’ The Prophet  said, ‘No, the wrestler is a person that when he has ability to take revenge, he is able to control it.’ This is strength, that you are able to control your emotions. So a person who has quwwat ul ghadab in balance then his emotions will be under control. Then he will not just be carried away like that, he will have endurance. The third thing, Imam Ghazzaliv points out is the quwwat of shahwat (power of desire). Shahwat basically means desire. The desires you have, the passion you have. Again, if you keep desires in balance then you have