Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 42

The second thing Imam Ghazzali v says is that we all need to work on is quwwatul g h a d a b (power of anger). Every person has a power of strength in himself. This strength if it is in the balance of sharia is called bravery. That person is a brave man whose quwwat of ghadab is proportional. But if it goes beyond the sharia, the balance is not there. When the balance is disturbed then what happens? Then he becomes reckless, and arrogant and an oppressor. He is not brave anymore, he is an oppressor now. Firawn was an oppressor, Sulaiman  was brave. What a difference! Allah  says, Then if this balance goes to the other side, and you say I will elimina te anger from my body. I will take it out from my body. I will throw out all my anger. Then you become a coward and that is not a good character either. So the balance needs to be maintained. We also know about Hazrat Ali , that in the battlefield when he was fighting in jihad and he was about to kill a kafir (disbeliever) with the sword in his hand. The kafir said I am going to die in any case so let me just disrespect him as well. So he spit in the face of Hazrat Ali . Hazrat Ali  immediately let him go. The kafir asked “Why aren’t you killing me anymore?” Hazrat Ali  said, “Before I was killing you for Allah , and now my personal anger is there so I am not going to kill you.” This is how careful the Sahaba  (companions of Prophet ) were. We love for the sake of Allah , we hate for the sake of Allah. It does not mean that a believer cannot hate. Of course, he hates alcohol, he hates partying, he hates fornication, he hates gambling, he hates interest. He hates these things. That That is why Allah  did not say, do not become angry. NISBAH 42 َ ْ َ ْ َ‫ن‬ َْ َ ‫والكظ ِم ي� الغيظ‬ ِ “And who restrain anger” (3:134) They control their anger. When in anger, you don’t lose it. Of course if we don’t have anger, how will we go for jihad (to struggle in the path of islam).How will we defend the oppressed? If we don’t feel angry at anything and the sharia is being broken and Quran is being burnt and all of these things are happening and we don’t feel anything. Even the Prophet  was not free of that trait, he used to feel angry. It comes in a hadith that when he would feel angry at something, his vein would start to flicker and his cheeks would turn red.