Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 29

She’s making the intention and then asking Allah to accept it. “They devised a plan, and Allah devised a plan. And Allah is the best of all planners.” is my friend: He will accept everything from me. Instead, he said: َٓ ۡ ََ ‫َر َّب َنا َوتق َّبل ُدعا ِء‬ “And, Our Lord, accept my prayer.” (14:40) Allah  please accept this prayer from me. They knew who Allah  is and they were so worried about acceptance. When Sayyidah Maryam  was still a baby in the womb of her mother, her mother made a dua (supplication) for her, َ ُ ‫ رب اِ� َن َذ ۡرت َلـك َما ِ ف� َبط ِ ن‬ ۡ ّ‫َ ِ ّ ِ ن‬ ۡ ۡ � ۡ َ َُ ۡ ۡ َ  �ّ‫م َّر ًرا ف َتق َّبل ِم ِ ن‬ “O my Lord, I have vowed that what is in my womb will be devoted exclusively for You. So, accept (it) from me.” (3:35) The Prophet of Allah  used to make dua: ‫ن‬ ‫اللهم ا� اسئلك عملا ن�فعا‬ ‫ورزقا طيبا ومعال متقبال‬ “O Allah please grant me the knowledge that benefits me and give me the pure provision and give me the tawfiq of actions that are accepted.” He is fasting all day and then in the end of the day he is teaching us this dua: ‫ن‬ ‫اللهم ا� لك مصت وعىل رزقك‬ ‫ن‬ �‫افطرت فتقبل م‬ “O Allah, I fasted for your sake, and with your provision do I break my fast, please accept it from me.” O Allah I have fasted and not eaten or drunk all day. You don’t just say, ‘Allah I have done it for your sake,’ but say, ‘O Allah accept it from me. If y