Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 30

ۡ َ َ ‫ّٰ ُ   ّٰ ُ َ ُ َ ِ ن‏‬ �‫َو َمك ُر ۡوا َو َمك َرالل ‌ؕ َوالل خ ۡي� الاك ِر ي‬ “They devised a plan, and Allah devised a plan. And Allah is the best of all planners.” (3:54) In another place in the Quran: ّٰ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ َ َ َ  ۚ ‌ِ‫افا ِمنوا مكر الل‬ “Do they feel secure from Allah’s plan?” (7:99) Nobody feels safe from the plans of Allah  except the losers. They are the only people who feel confident about whatever they are planning, that it is enough for them. But people of Allah  , those who have the marifah (recognition) of Allah, are always scared just in case He doesn’t accept. What if He has planned something other than what I am planning? That’s the reason these Sahabah, who were given the glad tidings of Paradise, were crying all night in prayers. What’s the point? Because they know Allah  can take all of that away. We can’t change Allah , or His plans. Whatever He wants do to, He can do. They are giving in charity for the sake of Allah  alone but their hearts are trembling with fear; what if Allah  doesn’t accept ? The Test of Life We should realize who we are and who Allah  is and why we are here. Once we start obeying Him, at least struggling to obey Him completely, then we should think about our intention. Once the intention gets corrected, we still have to think what if Allah  doesn’t accept it; or what if He accepts and then rejects? This is a struggle for life until we go back to Allah  content. This is a regular dua we should make in our prayers, ‘O Allah please be pleased with me and don’t grant me death until you are pleased with me. Because if I die and You are not pleased withme, then I don’t know where I am going.’ If Allah  is not pleased with me in my life, then how can I get any sort of success? So this is something we should reflect on. May Allah  give us all tawfiq to be able to realize that, and be able to understand that there are things beyond the boundaries that we have set for ourselves. There is something; but we have to remove these curtains that we have set for ourselves, and we must see what is beyond them. ‫ن‬ ‫ين‬ �‫وآخر دعوا� ان احلمد لهل رب العامل‬