Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 28

There might be a fatwa (ruling) that we can walk on the boundary and still remain within the folds of Islam, but if, God forbid we slip, then we go out of the boundary. It’s always better that we walk in the middle of that circle so that if we slip we still remain within the boundaries. That’s taqwa; when you are on the safe side. When people have taqwa in their lives then: ‫َ َ ُ ّٰ ُ َ ۡ ُ ن‬ �‫ا نَِّ�ا َي َتق َّبل الل ِمن ال َّت ِق ي‬ “Allah accepts only from the God-fearing.” (5:27) Dua (Supplication) for Acceptance Every single person who knows Allah  is worried about their acceptance by Him. People who are mindful of Allah  know that it is a very dangerous thing if He doesn’t accept their actions. Even the Prophets used to be worried about their actions. Sayyiduna Ibrahim , was the Prophet of Allah , khalilullah– friend of Allah . Allah  ordered him to build the kabah (house of Allah ) for Him. Ibrahim took his son Ismail  and started building it. After he was finished, what did he say? ‘O Allah, I am very content, I submitted to your orders. I’m complete and I’m done with this.’ No. He wasn’t content. Instead, he said: NISBAH 28 ۡ ۡ ََ َّ َ ۡ َ َ َّ ؕ ‫َر َّب َنا تق َّبل ِم َّنا ‌ اِ نك انت الس ِم ۡي ُع ال َع ِل ۡي�ُ‏‬ “Our Lord accept (this service) from us! Indeed, You - and You alone - are the AllHearing, the All-Knowing!” (2:127) Again, he didn’t say I’m Khalil (friend) of Allah , why do I have to ask Allah  to accept? Allah 