Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 27

onward; that means that this thing was accepted. Look at our imams, may Allah give them all reward for what they have done – ImamAbu Ḥanifah v, Imam Shafi’i v, Imam Malikv , Imam Ḥanbal v. Look at the acceptance that they got. Almost 1300 years have passed and you travel around the world and you see that people are still following them. This is what Allah  does. If He accepts something, then He doesn’t finish that action of theirs with their death. Allah  continues that in the generations to come. This is a sign. enjoying it anymore, then something is wrong with me. It’s something we should find within ourselves. Possibly we are not acting upon what we are learning and it is possible that Allah  can take away the tawfiq. One sign that Allah  accepts from people is when He gives them consistency to do that. So if people feel they are not being consistent anymore, then they should be worried. People should look into their own self and think what is happening and do istighfar (make repentance). Sincerely ask Allah  for forgiveness. Continuity in Future Generations Another sign that our actions are getting accepted by Allah  is that the generations to come will do the same thing. For example, if there is an ‘aalim (scholar) and his children also become ulama (scholars), and they learn from him to pass on that knowledge to the next generation and Taqwa in the Heart The next sign is that people get taqwa in their heart. If their actions are accepted, then they become people of Allah . The amaal are accepted when people have taqwa, and when Allah  accepts the amaal, He gives them taqwa. Allah  says: ۡ ّٰ ُ َ َ ‫اِ نَّ�ا َي َتق َّبل الل ِمن ال َّت ِق ۡ ي نَ‏‬ � ُ َ ُ “Allah accepts only from the God-fearing.” (5:27) If you want to define taqwa in a small little English phrase, then it is “to be on the safe side”. Making sure that everything that we do is on the safe side; that is known as taqwa. Allah  has given us this boundary of Islam, this circle, then to be on the safe side is to walk in the middle of that. If we walk on the boundary and somehow slip, then we will go out of the boundary. 27 NISBAH