Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 26

Peaceful Heart The third thing which is a sign that our amaal are actually getting accepted, is that after doing the amal, you feel peace in the heart. The proof is the Quran: ۡ ُّ‫ّٰ ۡ ن‬ ُ ‫َا َل ب ِذ ۡكر الل َتط َم ِٕٮ ال ُق ُل ۡو‬ ‫ب ؕ‏‬ ِ ِ ِ “Beware, the hearts find peace only in the remembrance of Allah.” (13:28) If people don’t have the peace in the heart then something is wrong somewhere; something isn’t right. If their life is not peaceful then there is something wrong. If there is heaviness in the heart then something is wrong. If they feel that they are obedient to Allah , and still they are not peaceful, then there is something wrong. That means they have to be careful about their amaal, whether they are being accepted or not. If their amal do get accepted, then they will get this sakinah (peace) in the hearts. Their life will become peaceful irrespective of what happens around them. If you want to know whether your prayers are accepted or not, you must see if you get that feeling that you are standing in front of your Lord. You have this khusho that you are standing in front of your Lord and it’s just me and my Lord.‘I’m talking to Him, I’m His humble servant.’ If you get all these feelings, then know that your prayers get accepted. If you are reading the Quran and you get this electric current going down your spine; sometimes we cry and we feel we are reading a letter that’s given to us by Allah . We are not just reading and looking here and there as to what is happening around us. If you get all of that feeling, then know that your Quran is getting accepted. This is all peace of the heart. Consistency is Key The fourth sign that tells us if our actions are getting accepted or not is whether there is consistency in the action. It’s not that one night we get up and pray all night long, and then we don’t even pray two rakats (units) for the rest of our lives. Consistency is the key. The best actions in the sigh t of Allah  are those actions that are consistent, even if they are small. If I feel I was really into my sacred studies and suddenly I am not