Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 25

all the rubbish that is sold out there, they can’t get into that state; in fact, their kids are not even able to read Quran because the food is going into their stomachs as well. Once they stop eating all the rubbish, that is when they start When the intention becomes correct then everything becomes rewarding reading the Quran again. People have experienced that. We don’t need an experience to prove an ayah (verse) of the Quran. The Prophet of Allah  said to Sayyiduna Saad , ‘O Saad, if you make your food pure, you will become that person whose prayer will be accepted.’ Allahu Akbar. Purify the Intention The second thing that people should do if they want their amaal to get accepted is that the intention they make in their heart should purely and solely be for Allah  and nothing else. It should only be for the sake of Allah . ‫ن أ‬ ‫ا�ا المعال ب�لنيات‬ “The actions are based on the intentions.” One of the very pious people of the past, he used to recite Quran beautifully. Once he was reading Surah Rahman by himself. He was reading it in a beautiful way. Suddenly, a man passed by and the pious man didn’t necessarily change his intention to recite more beautifully, but he recited a little louder, so that the man would also make a plan to start reciting the Quran. After he was done, he slept at night. He saw that an angel came to him and recited Surah Rahman and all the verses were written in gold except a couple of ayahs that were written in normal ink. He asked ‘Why?’ The angel said, ‘These are the two ayahs where you mixed your intention with something else while you were reading this surah (chapter). The intention got mixed up so that was not accepted.’ So if we want that our actions are accepted, then we have to make sure that we look into our hearts as to why we are doing them. When the intention becomes correct, then everything becomes rewarding. So much so that the Prophet of Allah  even encouraged the husbands to put food in the mouths of their wives, and if they do that with the intention that they are following the sunnah of the Prophet , then even that thing will become rewarding. Even the husband going to the wife becomes rewarding. Allahu Akbar. Even when people do something for the sake of their own desires, then that also becomes something that’s rewarding! Allahu akbar. When the Sahabah  (companions of the Prophet ) heard that, they said ‘O Prophet of Allah e, this is rewarding?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ They get sin if they do it according to the illegal way, but if they do it according to the sunnah of the Prophet of Allah e and the order of Allah , then it becomes rewarding. This is our Allah . This is who Allah  is. 25 NISBAH