Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 24

There are some people who are brand conscious, especially women. They don’t want to buy a bag they see in a normal store; they want to go to all of these big brand named stores and get one from there. Why? Because it’s a brand name, and because it has qualities which last longer. So, just as people are brand conscious, Allah  is also brand conscious and that brand is the sunnah of the Prophet . If actions are not according to sunnah, then they are all rejected. The Prophet  said: ‫ف ن‬ �‫من احدث � امر‬ ‫ف‬ ‫هذا ما ليس منه �و رد‬ “Whoever does what is not from us, that is rejected.” (Sahih Bukhari) Tayyib (Pure) in Tayyib Out When we do things according to the sunnah, then that particular thing becomes tayyib; it becomes pure. Allah  says in a hadith: ً ‫ان الهل طيب ال يقبل اال طيبا‬ “Allah is pure and he does not accept anything which is not pure.” You eat what’s pure and then you do what’s righteous. Allah  says in one of the places in Quran: َّ َ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُّ َ َ ۤ َُۡ ‫ٰيـا يُّ�ا الرسل ك ۡوا ِمن الط ِّي ٰبت َواعل ْوا‬ ِ ًِ َ ‌‫صالـا‬ ”O Messengers, eat from the good things, and act righteously.” (23:51) NISBAH 24 The tayyib amaal can only come when you input tayyib things. Now, we don’t even care about what we eat; we go into all these r estaurants as huge food lovers. We go and eat without even knowing what they are selling. Then we expect that we will become the most righteous people on the earth. It doesn’t happen like that; it’s not the sunnah of Allah . You have to know where it is coming from. The people that have excelled in their spirituality have that connection with Allah . First of all, we need to make sure what we are eating is tayyib. We need to make sure we eat at home as much as possible, and whoever is cooking needs to make sure that he/she starts with the name of Allah  before they begin to cook. Always start with bismillah (in the name of Allah ), because the Prophet of Allah  said, “Whatever thing that the name of Allah  is not recited on is cut off from the mercy of Allah .” If that food is cut off from the barakah (blessing) and the mercy of Allah , then how can we expect a higher state? We can’t. There are incidents where people have actually experienced that. That if they have been eating