Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 23

a wonderful job he did. You then take him to the toy store and buy him a gift. Why? You know it is written in pathetic handwriting, but you still buy him a gift – this is exactly what Allah  does with us. All the pathetic worship we do, Allah  accepts it. ٌ َّ َ ّٰ َّ ٌ‫اِ ن الل ِب�لناس َل َر ُء ۡوف َّرح ۡي ‏‬ �ِ ِ “Certainly Allah is very kind, very merciful to the people” (2:143) None of us will enter Paradise by our actions, but it will only be through the mercy of Allah  . It comes in a hadith: ‫ال يدخل أحد منمك معهل الجنة وال‬ ‫ي� ي�ه من النار وال أ ن� إال ب�محة من هللا‬ � ‫ج‬ “None of your actions will take you into Paradise and none of your actions will take you out from the Hellfire, not even me! Except to whom Allah shows mercy.” (Sahih Bukhari) Tawfiq is from Allah . Ibn Al-Jawzi v says that the actions are strange things. When people feel they are content with all the actions that they do, he says why are they content? All of the tawfiq that you have is from Allah and if He did not give you that tawfiq, for example getting up for tahajjud, then you would not be doing that. It is only because of Allah  giving you tawfiq that you could get up for that. Success is only from Allah . Tawfiq is from Allah . For example, there is a laptop running with no battery. I plug it in the main power switch. Now this laptop is running based on that connection and if I take that plug out, it will shut down. This is exactly what’s happening; we have a connection with which we are hooked up to Allah  and it is only with that power from Him that we are able to do what we are doing. If Allah wants to turn that switch off, then He can do that. It’s in His power that He gives us tawfiq to do what we do. Then it is up to Him if He wants to reward us or not. Actions according to Sunnah What should we do in order for our pathetic amaal to get accepted in the sight of Allah ? What should we do to attract that love that a small little child attracts from his father despite having pathetic handwriting? What should we do to make our heart attract the mercy of our Creator? Number one, everything that we do should be according to the sunnah (way of life) of the Prophet . That is a brand that Allah  loves! ٌ َ َ َ ٌ َ ُ ّٰ ُ َ ُ ‫َل َق ۡد َكن َلك ِ ف� َر‬ ‫ۡ سول الل اسوة حسنة‬ ِ ِ “There is indeed a good model for you in the Messenger of Allah.” (33:21) 23 NISBAH