Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 15

Remember that a dead body goes wherever the currents may take it; whereas a living man can cross a raging river. Do not become a dead body. Guard your mandatory fara’id (legal acts) and be regular in your dhikr (remembrance) and muraqabah (reflection). T the oppression of staying awake all night and sleeping all day is becoming common. T oday, here was a time when average people would pray the tahajjud (pre-dawn) between two periods of sleep; today, the pious pray the fajr (morning prayer) between two periods of sleep. T if oday, one wakes up for tahajjud, the neighborhood is as quiet as a graveyard. Stay away from obscenity and be watchful of your heart’s state of wuquf-al-qalbi (stationing of the heart). I am listing a few drastic mistakes that you should avoid at all cost: 1. Do not fall into the delusion that you will always remain strong, youthful, and wealthy. 2. Do not fall into the delusion that you will stop sinning after committing a sin a few times. 3. Never tell people your innermost secrets and then ask them not to tell anyone. 4. Do not delude yourself into thinking that your children will attend to you without your having looked after your own parents. 5. Do not think that if you cannot do something then it is impossible for everybody else. 6. Never delay anything that can be done today. 7. Never form opinions about someone just from his outward appearance. 8. Never re-examine what has already been examined. T faqir supplicates for your success in this world and the next. Keep writing to your parents his from time to time. Was-salam ma`al-ikram, Faqir Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi