Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 16

CONCERNING TEN SIGNS OF GOOD ETIQUETTE With His Glorious Name Allah, Allah, Allah Dear honorable student, As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. his T faqir is well and wishes the same for you. Abdul Karim of Samarqand has brought all of us to see Bukhara. Both of you have met before in Karachi, and he speaks of you fondly. Good etiquette is the way to attain honor in this life and happiness in the next. It is related from our beloved Prophet  that the believer with the best character and etiquette is one with the most perfect faith. Remember that good etiquette is the best blessing after having accepted he Islam. T mashaikh (elders) have mentioned ten signs of good etiquette: 1. Meeting people with a cheerful attitude. 2. Empathizing with others. 3. Helping those in dire need. 4. Not obstructing people’s good actions and intentions. 5. Not speaking ill of people nor picking out and spreading faults of people. 6. Noting one’s own faults and other’s good characteristics. reating 7. T kindly those who wrong you. NISBAH 16