Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 14

CONCERNING WORK With His Glorious Name Allah, Allah, Allah Dear honorable student, As salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I was pleased to learn that you have started working, and now you must work steadily with determination. Your working hard is mandatory. Remember that a mountain is a pebble for the hardworking, and a pebble is a mountain for the lazy. T move a mountain you must first learn o how to move pebbles. Just like any journey starts with a first step, you have taken the first step of your practical life when you started work. T lazy keep looking for opportunities, whereas the strong create them. Do he not become worried and frustrated by any setbacks; setbacks are what make a person strong. Never lose heart, and always lower yourself in front of people. Remember this principle well: a large stone can be an obstacle in the way of a weak person, but becomes merely a stepping-stone for the strong-willed. Acquire expertise in your field and you will attain honour, and those who follow will value you and your guidance. Just like everyone jumps onto a lazy donkey, everyone takes advantage of a weak individual. Wind, wealth, and time are ever changing, so value them. T times are being swept by storms hese of obscenity and shamelessness, so beware of bad company. A bad friend is as unreliable as a snake – one never knows when he can strike. However, reeds also flow along with rivers, and so in the midst of evil are also good and decent people struggling to do what is right. Furthermore, in the midst of these rivers are also cliffs that change the course of the river. T times remember those people he Who stop the rising storms.