NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible Sampler | Page 3

MARK 1 made out of cam­el’s hair. He had a leath­ er belt ­around his ­waist. And he ate lo­ custs and wild hon­ey. 7  Here is what John was preach­ing. “Af­ter me, t ­ here is some­one com­ing who is more pow­er­ful than I am. I’m not good ­enough to bend down and un­tie his san­dals. 8  I bap­tize you with wa­ter. But he will bap­tize you with the Holy Spir­it.” JESUS IS BAPTIZED AND TEMPTED 9  At that time ­ Jesus came from Naz­ a­reth in Gal­i l ­ ee. John bap­tized ­Jesus in the Jor­dan Riv­er. 10  ­Jesus was com­ing up out of the wa­ter. Just then he saw heav­en be­ ing torn open. J ­ esus saw the Holy Spir­it com­ing down on him like a dove. 11  A ­voice ­spoke to him from heav­en. It said, “You are my Son, and I love you. I am very ­pleased with you.” 12  At once the Holy Spir­ it sent ­Jesus out into the des­ert. 13  He was in the des­ ert 40 days. ­There Sa­tan tempt­ed him. The wild an­i­mals ­didn’t harm ­Jesus. An­ gels took care of him. JESUS PREACHES THE GOOD NEWS 14  Af­ter John was put in pris­on, ­Jesus went into Gal­i­lee. He ­preached the good 1231 news of God. 15  “The time has come,” he said. “The king­dom of God has come near. Turn away from your sins and be­ lieve the good news!” JESUS CHOOSES HIS FIRST DISCIPLES 16  One day ­Jesus was walk­ing be­side the Sea of Gal­i­lee. ­There he saw Si­mon and his broth­ er An­ drew. They were throw­ing a net into the lake. They were low me,” fish­er­men. 17  “Come and fol­ Jesus said. “I will send you out to fish for peo­ple.” 18  At once they left ­their nets and fol­lowed him. 19  Then ­ Jesus ­walked a lit­tle far­ther. As he did, he saw ­James, the son of Zeb­ e­dee, and his broth­er John. They were in a boat pre­par­ing ­their nets. 20  ­Right away he c ­ alled out to them. They left their fa­ther Zeb­e­dee in the boat with the hired men. Then they fol­lowed J ­ esus. JESUS DRIVES OUT AN EVIL SPIRIT 21  ­ Jesus and t ­ hose with him went to Ca­per­na­um. When the Sab­bath day came, he went into the syn­ a­ gogue. There he be­gan to t ­ each. 22  The peo­ ple were ­amazed at his teach­ing. T ­ hat’s WHY DID JOHN THE BAPTIST LIVE IN THE DESERT? John the Baptist was a prophet, and God had given him the important job of preparing the way for J ­ esus. John wanted to preach away from where p ­ eople were living. That way, they would have to go out to see him and hear his message. Living in the desert also kept him from having a lot of arguments with the leaders in Jerusalem. They did not like his message very much. John was also showing that a person’s friendship with God is much more important than having a nice comfortable place to stay.   Mark 1:4 Related vers John 1:19 – 34 es: