NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible Sampler | Page 4

1232 MARK 1 ­ e­cause he t ­ aught them like one who b had au­thor­i­ty. He did not talk like the teach­ers of the law. 23  Just then a man in their syn­a­gogue ­cried out. He was con­ trolled by an evil spir­it. He said, 24  “What do you want with us, J ­ esus of Naz­a­reth? Have you come to de­stroy us? I know who you are. You are the Holy One of God!” 25  “Be qui­et!” said J ­ esus firm­ly. “Come out of him!” 26  The evil spir­it ­shook the man wild­ly. Then it came out of him with a ­scream. 27  All the peo­ ple were ­ amazed. So they a ­ sked each oth­er, “What is this? A new teach­ing! And with so much au­ thor­i­ty! He even ­gives or­ders to evil spir­ its, and they obey him.” 28  News ­about Jesus ­spread quick­ly all over Gal­i­lee. JESUS HEALS MANY PEOPLE 29  ­ Jesus and ­those with him left the syn­a­gogue. ­Right away they went with James and John to the home of Si­mon and An­drew. 30  Si­mon’s moth­er-in-law was ly­ing in bed with a fe­ver. They told Jesus ­about her ­right away. 31  So he went to her. He took her hand and h ­ elped her up. The fe­ver left her. Then she be­gan to serve them. 32  That eve­ning af­ter sun­set, the peo­ ple ­brought to J ­ esus all who were sick. They also b ­ rought all who were con­ ple trolled by de­ mons. 33  All the peo­ in town gath­ered at the door. 34  ­Jesus healed many of them. They had all ­ kinds of sick­ness­es. He also d ­ rove out many de­mons. But he ­would not let the de­mons ­speak, be­cause they knew who he was. JESUS PRAYS IN A QUIET PLACE 35  It was very ear­ly in the morn­ing and still dark. J ­ esus got up and left the h ­ ouse. He went to a p ­ lace ­where he ­could be alone. ­There he ­prayed. 36  Si­mon and his friends went to look for ­Jesus. 37  When they ­found him, they ­called out, “Ev­ery­ one is look­ing for you!” 38  ­Jesus re­plied, “­Let’s go some­where else. I want to go to the near­by ­towns. I must p ­ reach t ­ here also. That is why I have come.” 39  So he trav­eled all ­around Gal­i­lee. He ­preached in ­their syn­a­ gogues. He also ­drove out de­mons. JESUS HEALS A MAN WHO HAD A SKIN DISEASE 40  A man who had a skin dis­ease came to J ­ esus. On his k ­ nees he b ­ egged ­Jesus. He said, “If you are will­ing to make me ‘­clean,’ you can do it.” 41  ­Jesus be­came an­gry. He ­reached out his hand and ­ touched the man. WHY DID THE HOLY SPIRIT COME DOWN ON ­JESUS LIKE A DOVE? The Holy Spirit is a spirit and does not have a body, so he took a form that p ­ eople could see. A dove was a great form to take because when ­people see doves they think of peace and purity. That is exactly what the Holy Spirit brings to us. After Jesus left the earth, he sent the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit stays with all Chris­tians now that J ­ esus is in heaven. The Holy Spirit lives inside God’s ­people.   Mark 1:10 Related vers 1 Corinthians 6: e: 19