NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible Sampler | Page 2
Who wrote this book?
A young man named John Mark wrote down stories Peter told
about Jesus. John Mark is sometimes called Mark.
Why was this book written?
Mark shows people who Jesus was by telling what Jesus did.
For whom was this book written?
Mark wrote this book for people in the Roman Empire who did
not understand how the Jews lived.
What happens in this book?
J esus shows his power by performing miracles that help p eople,
and he teaches his disciples.
Who is important in this book?
Jesus is the important person in this book.
When did this happen?
Jesus worked miracles and taught from a . d . 26 to 30.
This is the beginning of the good
news about Jesus the Messiah, the
Son of God. 2 Long ago Isaiah the
prophet wrote,
“I will send my messenger ahead
of you.
He will prepare your way.”
(Malachi 3:1)
3 “A messenger is calling out in the
‘Prepare the way for the Lord.
Make straight paths for him.’ ”
(Isaiah 40:3)
4 And so John the Baptist appeared in the
desert. He p
reached that people s hould
be baptized and turn away from their
sins. Then God would forgive them. 5 All
the people from the countryside of Ju
dea went out to him. All the people from
Jerusalem went too. When they admit
ted they had sinned, John baptized them
in the Jordan River. 6 John wore clothes