NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible NIrV Kids' Quest Study Bible Sampler | Page 2

MARK Who wrote this book? A young man named John Mark wrote down stories Peter told about ­Jesus. John Mark is sometimes called Mark. Why was this book written? Mark shows ­people who ­Jesus was by telling what ­Jesus did. For whom was this book written? Mark wrote this book for ­people in the Roman Empire who did not understand how the Jews lived. What happens in this book? J ­ esus shows his power by performing miracles that help p ­ eople, and he teaches his disciples. Who is important in this book? Jesus is the important person in this book. When did this happen? Jesus worked miracles and taught from a . d . 26 to 30. JOHN THE BAPTIST PREPARES THE WAY This is the be­gin­ning of the good news ­about ­Jesus the Mes­si­ah, the Son of God. 2  Long ago Isa­iah the proph­et ­wrote, 1 “I will send my messenger ahead of you. He will prepare your way.”  (Malachi 3:1) 3 “A messenger is calling out in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord. Make straight paths for him.’ ”  (Isaiah 40:3) 4  And so John the Bap­tist ap­peared in the des­ert. He p ­ reached that peo­ple s ­ hould be bap­tized and turn away from ­their sins. Then God ­would for­give them. 5  All the peo­ple from the coun­try­side of Ju­ dea went out to him. All the peo­ple from Je­ru­sa­lem went too. When they ad­mit­ ted they had ­sinned, John bap­tized them in the Jor­dan Riv­er. 6  John wore ­clothes