Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 60

Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 15: H.R. VI Thermo-Electric 3 • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE): • 50-150°C workable wrap-around style sheet of carbon nanotube + plastic(Sekisui Chemical+), Low temp 60-100°C hot spring water flow placed next to 5-15°C cold spring water wedging thermoelectric sheet to generate power for >0.5kwh use per 3- 4 pairs of water pipe with cold-hot reverse flow(water pipe is 5-10cm diameter, with latest commercially avail technology): a few dozen of projects exists in Japan. 5 x 20 x15cm size heatpipe used forked device emit 15w with 70-80C difference if device recovers with 3-5% efficiency(Yos Takefuji: Ai-Cynap). • Cost effective cooling(Aisin - Toyota , Z-max jp+), 2-3 times more efficient than conventional Thermoelectric cooler(Phononic), or 10times(NanoFreeze Technologies Lund AB): Some have potential to replace majority of existing type refrigerators by much lower cost. • Note Pelletier cooling has also precise temp control, no maintenance & far longer lasting, soundless operation compared to conventional compression refrigeration. Engine heat recovery to save air conditioning etc of 5% fuel mileage saving overall(VolksWagen+) Also space commercialization etc of Radio Isotope Thermoelectric generation exists but generally has beyond harmful level radioactivity emitted in near field, 59 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada