Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 59

Past Grid Parity Tech 14: H.R. V Thermo-Electric 2 • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE): • Though other solid state devices are generally 20%+ as std model, including sterling engine, TE's ease of use and super compactness is often advantage. And even supposedly conventional 2-8+% operating efficiency device can generate at least up to 1KW range in many cases and space saving energy recovery with success track record. • Often specific efficiency is not disclosed, some might have much higher rate. Large # of companies offer TE devices(Romny Scientific, Melcor, TECTEG, Gentherm, Экоген Ecogen, RGS Development Thermagy+), Some are High temperature(600°C+) capability focus for generally higher efficiency aim, Run high power requirement meters & switches(НПП Квант+), • Steam heat use(Kryotherm+), 1KWh range generation from large truck diesel engine exhaust is possible(Hi-Z Technology+), Flue exhaust or flare heat from chimney(Alphabet Energy+), Electricity from heated tire(Goodyear BH03). Yet there are same 2%+ efficiency range thermoelectric paint available for a long time that has been ignored by mainstream till quite recently(UNIST Korea, Ashutosh Tiwari+) -->>cont: 58 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada