Nicht Sehr Bekannt, Umweltfreundliche Wassertechnologien Für Die.. Effektive, Niedrige Kosten, Nicht Sehr Bekannt... | Page 61

Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 16: H.R. VII Thermo-Electric 4 • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE): • Self generating electricity from heat to fan the woodstove chamber to save 30- 50% of regular wood cooking fuel and eliminate most of smoke in 3rd world use(Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV: van der Sluis), or additionally it charges battery for portable small cooker(BioLite Energy+). • Free standing type woodstove fan is widely available: If 2 or more combined use of high power low temp activation types in certain room shape or air flow configuration it can save 15-30% heating cost but most come with low Curie temperature(loses effect of thermoelectric) at 300°C range(SmartFan ie, Valiant Accessories+). • Generally more powerful sterling engine type fan(some also directionally rotates) saves more though starting temperature is high(Valcan Stove Fan, Warpfive Stove Fan), Campfire cook stove phone charging(JikoPower+) 60 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada