1PSL & Public Service Requests
The City works very hard to be as proactive as possible , but we rely on residents to tell us about issues that need to be addressed them as quickly as possible . If you notice anything that could be a potential crime , or someone ’ s life is at risk , dial 911 . To report anything that needs to be investigated to the Police Department , call 911 . The Police Department will refer you to the appropriate person . For additional information or questions , call the non-emergency line at 772-871-5000 . For any other City-related inquiries or service request , contact the City ’ s 24 / 7 City Hall or 1PSL at 772-871-1775 . Download the app , submit and track requests online at www . CityofPSL . com / 1PSL .
If you have an idea let us know . We hope this guide will spark more place-making discussions . We welcome neighborhood improvement and community engagement suggestions all year round . The best way to send them is via 1PSL . Contact 1PSL at 772-871-1775 or download the app to submit your suggestion online at
www . cityofpsl . com / 1psl .
Volunteerism and community participation can drive community pride and build great neighborhood groups and initiatives . Volunteer and make a difference ! You can learn about volunteering with the City at
www . cityofpsl . com / volunteer . Thank you for taking an interest in your neighborhood and your City .
Sincerely ,
Alessandra ( Alex ) Tasca Deputy Director
Neighborhood Services Department City of Port St . Lucie
City of Port St . Lucie | Neighborhood Resources Guide 5