NICE Neighborhood Guide | Page 4


Welcome to the City of Port St . Lucie ’ s Neighborhood Improvement & Community Engagement ( NICE ) Neighborhood Guide . We hope you find it informative and helpful . Everyone benefits when our neighborhoods are vibrant , connected and safe . The NICE Office and this Guide serve to support residents who want to “ work hard , smart and together .” The NICE Program works to further the objectives outlined in the City ’ s Strategic Plan Goal # 2 : Vibrant Neighborhoods . To learn more about the City ’ s Strategic Plan , mission , vision and goals visit the online portal and dashboard at www . cityofpsl . com / strategicplan .
In addition , the City already has a Resident Welcome Guide www . cityofpsl . com / welcome with a lot of information about the City , services we offer and more . The Welcome Guide is another great resource for new and established residents .
This Neighborhood Guide has been designed to provide neighborhood groups and leaders with information about our award-winning NICE Program , how to get involved in your community , provide input on what is happening in the City and discover ways to be a good neighbor . Many of the references in this book are found on the City ’ s website , www . cityofpsl . com . We encourage you to explore the website as it is full of great information , tools , and resources .
Every resident can contribute to their community . By building neighborhood relationships , spearheading projects to get people together , and taking pride in the appearance of your area , or by getting involved in service projects and volunteering , you too , can contribute to our Vibrant Neighborhoods Goal . Working with the NICE Program and attending NICE Neighborhood Meetings is a great start .
4 Neighborhood Resources Guide | City of Port St . Lucie