NICE Projects
Neighborhood Entry Signs : As part of an ongoing initiative to create neighborhood identity , the City installed neighborhood entry signs branding the neighborhoods . Neighborhoods voted on their names and style of sign which are currently installed .
Maintaining your property
Neighborhood Services ’ mission is to improve neighborhood appearances , sustainability and vibrancy through citizen education , engagement and action . Neighborhood Services supports the City Council ’ s Strategic Planning Mission to provide “ Exceptional Municipal Services that are Responsive to the Community and plan for Smart and Balanced Growth while acting in a Financially Responsible Manner .”
Along with the NICE Program , Neighborhood Services manages Code Compliance , Solid Waste , housing , Federal Community Development Block Grants ( CDBG ), State Housing Initiatives Partnership ( SHIP ) grants , and other community programs .
Objectives include maintaining a high quality of life in the City ’ s neighborhoods . Programs are developed to provide opportunities for housing and community development improvements and promote the beautification of neighborhoods . Our housing division manages federal and state grants that the City receives for homeowner assistance and infrastructure improvements . They work hand in hand with Code Officers who are in the field seven days a week and have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in our neighborhoods and commercial districts . We work together to protect and preserve the City and the environment .
We support neighborhood groups through the NICE Program and serve as a liaison between citizens and City departments .
• Utility box wrap art
• New benches
• Waste receptacles
• Bike racks
• Pet waste stations
14 Neighborhood Resources Guide | City of Port St . Lucie