NICE Neighborhood Activities
Neighborhood Training
The NICE Program helps facilitate training or informational sessions regarding topics of interest that are not readily available . If a group is interested in learning more about engaging within your neighborhood , we are here to help . One example is a training we facilitated with our Communications Department on " Tips for Better Neighborhood Social Media Engagement ." We also partnered with the Florida League of Cities ’ Advocacy Department to educate residents on how to advocate at the state level . If you have an idea or would like to propose a training , please contact the NICE Office . Past training programs are
available here : https :// www . cityofpsl . com / government / departments / neighborhood-services / nice-program / neighborhood-training .
Interactive maps & tools
In addition to training , the City has a wide array of interactive tools & resources available for public use . If you want to know about any current City projects , visit the City ’ s Projects & Improvements page : https :// www . cityofpsl . com / government / projectsimprovements .
Our Geographic Information System ( GIS ) team has developed an interactive Project Tracker Map where you can view and learn about highlighted projects . https :// gis . cityofpsl . com / webapp / cip / index . html
We also have published a series of interactive maps that show which neighborhood you live in and where to find a pet waste station , garbage schedules and sidewalks construction : https :// arcg . is / Hzb0C
Strategic Plan & Community Survey / Dashboard
City of Port St . Lucie | Neighborhood Resources Guide 13