Newsletter Oct 2021 Final | Page 12

Issue Number 12 | October 2021
Physics Highlights
It ’ s been another busy term for physics pupils full of challenge and enjoyment . We welcomed our new S3 classes back in June and they got going with their investigations into waves under the banner “ Waves are Amazing ”. Senior phase pupils have been engaging in their N5 , H and AH study and are progressing well on their journey with positive early tracking evidence . Supported study is up and running with senior pupils already developing healthy study habits . In the wider world of STEM , S1 pupils have been developing their communication , teamwork and numeracy skills to design and build model rollercoasters , and a group of keen pupils took part in the National Spaceport competition . Our S2 aspiring Young STEM Leaders have been busy researching and trying out activities that they can lead and inspire other pupils with . The Wakelet above shows some of our top Tweets of the term .
We are delighted to announce that the following S1 pupils have been selected as Reading Ambassadors : Brooke Saunders , Holly Neil , Finlay Crichton , Isla McKeating , Skye Ward , Daniel Power and Claudia Stark .
In addition , we also have Nyah Davidson as Chair , Leo Henderson as Events Coordinator and Nathan Duffy as Resources Manager .
Reading Ambassadors
Mrs Walker and Mr Cassidy said :
“ We were incredibly impressed with the calibre and high number of entries this year and are excited to have our first meeting this week .”
Look out for lots of updates and readingrelated events over the course of this year .
25 Years at Marr College !
Congratulations to Mrs Smith – our fab Office Assistant – who was celebrating 25 years at Marr College last month .
All staff and pupils thank you for all your hard work , help and support throughout the years !