Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 33

3. Land Use Utility Utility land uses are for water, sewer, and stormwater systems typically on property owned by the City of Newport. No major expansion of infrastructure is planned beyond supporting established physical plants. The Utility land use category does not include roadways. Institutional Institutional land uses consists of schools, universities and colleges, governmental facilities (local, sta te, and federal), hospitals, cemeteries, and non-profit community organizations. For more information regarding specific institutional and public facilities, see Chapter 7: Community Services and Facilities. Waterfront Business Water-dependent and water enhanced land uses exist between Thames Street and the Newport Harbor. Residential, retail, office and food services are permitted in this land use category; however preference is given to water dependent uses, especially on waterfront parcels. High Density Residential (29 dwelling units per acre) The High-Density Residential land use category includes areas with predominately smaller lots (3,000 square feet). This land use category covers a significant amount of Newport’s Downtown and Historic Hill neighborhoods. In addition to typical single-family homes, two-family and multi-family housing is generally allowed but may require a special use permit. Commercial uses are not allowed with the exception of home occupations and legal non-conforming uses pre-dating modern zoning regulation. Medium Density Residential (8-21 dwelling units per acre) The Medium-Density Residential land use category includes areas with lots zoned between 10,000 and 40,000 square feet. The Point, Broadway, Kay / Catherine, Eustis / Easton’s Pond, Memorial Boulevard, Fifth Ward and North End Residential neighborhoods are included in this category. Residential uses are predominantly single-family and two-family; however, some limited multi-family housing is also found in these areas. “A” zones (R-10A and R-40A), currently prohibit new multi-family homes. Commercial uses are also not allowed with the exception of home occupations and legal non-conforming uses pre-dating modern zoning regulation. Low Density Residential (4 dwelling units per acre) Low-Density Residential land use areas are primarily found in the southern portion of Newport with lot sizes from 60,000 to 160,000 square feet. Current land uses in these areas are primarily single-family and some two-family residential uses and the occasional guest house or studio. Few multi-family uses exist. Commercial and industrial uses are not allowed with the exception of home occupations and legal non-conforming uses pre-dating modern zoning regulation. Institutional uses however, e.g. Salve Regina University and Newport Preservation Society and Restoration Foundation properties are not uncommon. Open Space/Recreation The Open Space / Recreation land uses include significant areas offering recreation and historic value to the public. Examples of open space/recreation uses include local and state parks, the Newport Country Club, urban parks, urban forests, natural resource protection areas, and beaches. Public, Federal and State In total, these land areas encompass 553 acres or 12% of the total land area in Newport. Sites include such notable and high profile uses as Fort Adams, the Coast Guard Station and of course the Naval Station Newport. The State category includes uses such as the state highways and State Pier. The Public Land Use category includes Rose Island as well as the City of Newport properties and the Discover Newport Tourist Information Center. Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 3-5