Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 32

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Because Newport is substantially developed, capacity for new development on vacant land is limited and new development will likely occur primarily as redevelopment on a case by case basis. As a result, future year round population will likely remain relatively stable with modest fluctuations and future land use patterns will largely resemble the city’s existing conditions identified in the table below. The only possible deviation might occur in the city’s north end, if economic diversification and community development efforts are successful. However, even this change would largely be in the relative proportions of uses in this area, as opposed to major increases or decreases in resident populations over the course of the plan horizon. In addition, these changes will take years to implement, therefore impacts can be phased and programmed with minimal conflict from a land use and/or population perspective. Table 3-1 – City of Newport Existing Land Use Distribution Use Acres Percentage Commercial 246.5 5% Utility 149.1 3% Institutional 289 6% Waterfront Business 77.1 2% High-Density Residential 28.6 1% Medium-Density Residential 1,141.3 25% Low-Density Residential 1,268.1 28% Open space / Recreational 809.4 18% Public 96.74 2% Federal 386.62 8% State 69.67 2% Source: City of Newport, RI Listed below is a complete description of the existing land use categories shown on Map 3-1. Commercial While the North End Commercial neighborhood has Specific uses within the Commercial the largest geographic area of commercial land, it area include retail, shopping centers, currently lies underutilized. The commercial uses in offices, guest facilities, restaurants, etc. this neighborhood are currently big box chains and a The most intensive commercial land casino, both surrounded by large parking lots. These uses are generally located in areas with developments are contradictory to Newport’s dense, adequate transportation infrastructure, pedestrian-friendly urban core. such as the North End and Downtown neighborhoods. The North End Commercial neighborhood contains the largest geographic area of future commercial uses. The established zoning in the North End (CI, Commercial-Industrial) also allows industrial uses. Page 3-4 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)