Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 34

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Current Zoning Zoning is a tool used by cities to strategically organize land uses and promote orderly growth in order to accomplish goals and objectives contained in a community’s comprehensive plan. Zoning protects public health and safety, promotes the general welfare and enhances the overall quality of life. Newport’s zoning ordinance dates to the 1920s. To a large extent, current zoning reflects the established use patterns of the city. Given the community’s mature development status, future land use patterns are not predicted to significantly change. However, planning and zoning are dynamic processes. The Planning Board is charged with periodically reviewing the City of Newport Zoning Ordinances and the Newport Comprehensive Plan to ensure there is consistency between the two and that future development comports with approved land use patterns accorded in the comprehensive plan. Newport’s future land use policies include the preservation of open spaces, preservation of scale and character of neighborhoods, limiting development to that which can be supported by infrastructure and environment, and the careful reuse of the harbor front. Rhode Island State Law provides a number of zoning tools towards achieving those ends. The locations, names, and descriptions of Newport’s current zoning districts can be found in Map 3-2 and Table 3-2 located below. Table 3-2 – City of Newport Zoning Districts Zoning District Description R-3 Residential District The R-3 residential district is an area characterized by the highest density urban development allowed in the city. This area is centrally located within close proximity to commercial and public support services. The intent of this district is to maintain the historic and colonial character. R-10 Residential District The R-10 residential district is an area of medium density residential development. This district generally extends outward from the highest density development located within the urban core. The intent of this district is to provide a transition area of diminishing residential densities. The minimum lot size requirement is designed to limit future subdivisions of land within this district; thereby minimizing any adverse effects to the established residential character of the area. R-10A Residential District The purpose of the R-10A residential district is the same as that for the R-10 residential district, except that two-family dwellings of new construction and multifamily dwellings are not permitted. This area is primarily characterized by single-family residential development. The intent is to maintain this land use pattern. R-20 Residentia l District The R-20 residential district is also an area of medium density residential development. This district occurs in areas adjacent to the R-10 district and is characterized by larger minimum lot size requirements. The intent of this district is to maintain the nature of the established residential pattern in these areas. R-40 Residential District The R-40 residential district is an area of lower density residential development. This district is found in the southern part of the city. This district is intended to allow growth through conversion of existing structures and in-filling of vacant lots which will not alter the character of the area. R-40A Residential District The purpose of the R-40A residential district is the same as that for the R-40 residential district, except that two-family dwellings and multifamily dwellings of new construction are not permitted. With the exception of conversions, the intent of this district is to maintain the single-family nature. R-60 Residential District The R-60 residential district is also an area of lower density residential development located in the southern portion of the city. The intent of this district is similar to that of the R-40 district. That is to allow growth, but not at the expense of the established residential character of the district. For that reason, new multifamily construction is not permitted. Page 3-6 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)