Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 203

14 Natural Hazards & Climate Change Action Description Priority Pre/Post Disaster Dept. Responsible Funding Resources Timeframe Status #8 Sea wall sustainment High Pre Public Services TBD Near-term Ongoing #9 Eliminate flood risk to repetitive loss properties Low Pre Building Official Building Department Budget Mediumterm #10 Reduce urban fire threat Medium Pre Fire Fire prevention budget Mediumterm Incomplete; working with CRC/CRMC to determine improvements Complete revision of RI fire code. Building code updates and removal of grandfather laws. Zoning code updates recommended. #11 Protect and reduce the vulnerability of the waste water system infrastructure High Pre Utility TBD Long-term Working with RIDEM and EPA to develop system for master plan for long term control of combined sewer overflows. #12 Protect and reduce the vulnerability of the potable water supply High Pre Utility TBD Mediumterm New action #13 Create a streamline process to expedite rebuilding following a disaster Medium Pre Planning and Zoning None required Near-term Incomplete #14 Create a partnership with alternative agencies to identify atrisk properties that may be suitable for acquisition Develop a disaster recovery plan Low Post Planning and Zoning Operating Budget/ FEMA HMGP Mediumterm Incomplete High Pre Planning and Zoning Operating Budget/ FEMA preparedne ss grant Near-term Incomplete High Pre Planning and Zoning Operating Budget/ FEMA preparedne ss grant Near-term Incomplete High Pre Police Police Department Budget Near-term Evacuation route created and posted by RIEMA. Ongoing maintenance and improvements desired. #15 #16 Increase Shelter Capacity Continuity Actions #16 Improvement of evacuation routes Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 14-13