Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 202

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Natural Resources and Open Space Coastal erosion and flooding can cause damage to vulnerable natural areas such as Hazards Beach and Kings Point Park, which are defining places in Newport. These two areas are vulnerable due to their exposure to waves caused by southwesterly winds. 2014-2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan Primary and Continuity Action Plan The Hazard Mitigation Plan lays out an action plan as part of the mitigation strategy to combat natural disasters. Table 14-3 displays the action plans that will be conducted by the City: Table 14-3 – Newport’s Hazard Mitigation Primary and Continuity Action Plan Action Description Priority Pre/Post Disaster Dept. Responsible Funding Resources Timeframe Status Primary Actions #1 Creation of evacuation service and support mechanisms for citizens unable to selfevacuate Medium Pre Police Police Budget Near-term Police and Fire established procedures. NEMA and First Student Act as backup. Expansion of services to be explored. #2 Shelter study and acquisition of additional facilities if needed Medium Pre Fire Fire Budget Near-term Red Cross Shelter Study complete. Further study to assess demand vs. existing capacity. #3 Increase resiliency of health care facilities during hazard events High Pre Civic Investment TBD Near-term Incomplete. Requires funding #4 Information dissemination Medium Pre Civic Investment and Engage Newport Fire Prevention Budget Near-term #5 Protect historic structures and collections High Pre Civic Investment and Engage Newport TBD Near-term “Code Red” emergency communication complete. Further study to explore other outreach opportunities. New action #6 Categorize priority activities for city owned flood risk properties to develop sustainable and resilient facilities and infrastructure Low Pre Building Official TBD dependent on facility Mediumterm Incomplete #7 Maintain, amend and enforce the Newport Zoning Code to manage land in vulnerable areas Medium Pre Zoning Official None required Mediumterm New action Page 14-12 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)