Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 204

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Action Description Priority Pre/Post Disaster Dept. Responsible Funding Resources Timeframe Status #17 Evacuation route sustainment High Pre Public Services Public Services Department Budget Near-term Ongoing. Pavement management system instituted to monitor progress and give priority to damaged roads. #18 Maintain roadside trees Maintain debris management plan High Pre City arborist Near-term Ongoing Medium Pre Public Services City arborist budget Public Services budget Near-term Ongoing #19 Source: Newport 2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan As storm intensities increase going forward, the Newport Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) will be key in contributing to the safety of residents through the dissemination of emergency information. Code Red Emergency Communication Network Code Red is an emergency notification system, created to disseminate warnings to residents and businesses of emergencies. The system disperses notifications via phone message, text message, and/or email. Residents or business owners can enroll for free and are able to update their contact information. Community Rating System The Community Rating System (CRS) recognizes communities’ efforts in exceeding the minimum National Flood Investment Program requirements for flood plain management. As part of the NFIP, communities adopt their own flood hazards map and Flood Insurance Study (FIS). The CRS program is voluntary for communities. The goals of the CRS are to reduce flood losses, facilitate accurate insurance rating, and promote the awareness of flood insurance. Cities that participate can receive a discount for flood insurance premiums based on the efforts to reduce flood risk. As of 2014, Newport was not a participating city, but has the [