Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 185

13 Infrastructure & Water Supply Microbiological Contaminants Metolachlor (5) (6) Period 2014 Unit ppb MCL n/a SMCL MCLG n/a UCMR 3 Contaminants Period Unit MCL MCLG Total chromium (7) 2014 ppb n/a Strontium (7) 2014 ppb Vanadium (7) 2014 Chlorate (7) Chromium-6 (Hexavalent chromium) (7) Detected Level 0.20 SDWA Violation n/a Range ND-0.20 Major Sources Used as an herbicide for weed control on agricultural crops Detected Level Range Major Sources SDWA Violation n/a 0.29 ND-0.29 Occurs naturally in the environment and is present in water from the erosion of chromium deposits found in rock and soil. n/a n/a n/a 80 52-80 Strontium is a metal which occurs naturally in the environment n/a ppb n/a n/a 0.49 ND-0.49 Vanadium is a metal that naturally occurs in many different minerals and in fossil fuels n/a 2014 ppb n/a n/a 650 98-650 A by-product from the production of chlorine dioxide n/a 2014 ppb n/a n/a 0.11 ND-0.11 Occurs naturally in the environment and is present in water from the erosion of chromium deposits found in rock and soil. n/a Water Quality Table Footnotes: (1)0.30 NTU was the highest single turbidity measurement recorded. The lowest monthly percentage of samples meeting the turbidity limit was 100%. Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of the water. We monito it because it is a good indicator of the effectiveness of our filtration. (2) Detected level indicates the 90 percentile value of the 30 samples taken. The Range indicates the number of samples above the action level. (3) Newport Water adds fluoride to its treated water as an aid in dental cavity prevention in young children. (4) Some people who drink water containing TTHM's in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys or central nervous system and may have an increased risk of contracting cancer. Detected level is based on the highest four-quarter average. (5) Sampled and monitored at raw water supply reservoirs prior to treatment. (6)The EPA requires us to report this contaminant which is on the Contaminant Candidate List 3. (7) 2014 UCMR 3 Monitoring for unregulated contaminants at entry points (plant effluents) and distribution points. Newport was required to sample and analyze for Assessment List 1 Source: City of Newport Department of Utilities Water Division 2014 Consumer Confidence Report th Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 13-7