Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 184

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Microbiological Contaminants Synthetic Organic Contaminants Including Pesticides and Herbicides MCLG MCLG Detected Level Detected Level Range Range Major Sources Major Sources 2 0 0.10 ND - 0.10 Runoff from herbicide used on row crops No ppt 200 0 100 ND - 100 Leaching from linings of water storage tanks and distribution lines No 2014 ppb 6 0 2 ND - 2 Discharge from rubber and chemical factories No Simazine (5) 2014 ppb 4 4 0.10 ND - 0.10 Herbicide runoff No Disinfection By-products Period Unit MCL MCLG Detected Level Range Major Sources SDWA Violation Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) (4) 2014 ppb 80 n/a 72.0 19.4 127.7 By-product of drinking water chlorination No Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) 2014 ppb 60 n/a 19.4 2.3 - 32.1 By-product of drinking water chlorination No Chlorite 2014 ppm 1.0 0.800 0.603 <0.010 0.970 By-product of drinking water disinfection No Disinfectants Period Unit MRDL MRDL G Detected Level Range Major Sources SDWA Violation Chlorine 2014 ppm 4.0 4.0 1.98 RAA = 0.93 0.05-1.98 Water additive used to control microbes No Chlorine Dioxide 2014 ppb 800 800 690 ND-690 Water additive used to control microbes No Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Period Unit MCL MCLG Detected Level Range Major Sources SDWA Violation Sodium 2014 ppm n/a n/a 61.6 24.7-61.6 Naturally occurring; road runoff; contained in water treatment chemicals; EPA regulations require us to monitor this contaminant while EPA considers setting a limit on it. No Period Period Unit Unit MCL MCL Alachlor (5) 2014 ppb Benzo(A)Pyrene (5) 2014 Di(2ethylhexyl)phtha late (5) Page 13-6 SMCL SDWA Violation SDWA Violation Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)