Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 186

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Wastewater Treatment The City of Newport and the Water Pollution Control Division of Newport’s Department of Utilities has a contract with United Water to maintain and operate the city’s entire wastewater treatment system. Map 13-2 displays the sewer system within Newport, including the location of the privatized Water Pollution Control Plant. The system Excess water from rainfall or provides wastewater services for the majority of the City of flooding can cause overflow in Newport, 70% of the homes in Middletown, Naval Station wastewater systems. Areas prone Newport, and other privately owned sanitary systems in to this flooding in Newport the Ocean Drive Neighborhood. The wastewater system include the North End includes approximately 97 miles of sewer lines, 15 sanitary Commercial, Long Wharf, pump stations, two combined sewer overflow facilities, Downtown, Harbor / Lower and a Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). Thames, Fifth Ward, Goat Island, When the city experiences heavy rainfall or flooding, the excess water can flow into the wastewater system and cause it to overflow. These are called Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). Newport’s two CSO facilities are used to partially treat the overflows before the water is discharged into the harbor. These facilities are located at Washington Street and Wellington Avenue. Eustis / Easton’s Pond, Lily / Almy Pond, and Ocean Drive neighborhoods. In 2012, the city developed the System Master Plan with aims of reducing CSOs. Since the implementation of the plan, there have been large improvements to the city’s infrastructure that have reduced overflows. The improvements include the disconnection of identified catch basins from the combined sewer system, sanitary sewer improvements between Everett and Bull Streets, improvements to the Beach Pump Station, and more. The Water Pollution Control Plant is located on the JT Connell Highway. It receives wastewater from all throughout the city and Middletown and treats it onsite. Once the wastewater has been thoroughly treated, it flows out into Newport Harbor. Table 13-6 details the WPCP’s total capacity and the averages for wastewater treatment in 2015. Table 13-6 - 2015 Wastewater Treatment & Capacity in Newport (Measured in Million Gallons Daily) Year 2015 Average Daily Flow 8.40 Facility Capacity 10.70 Source: State of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Page 13-8 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)