Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 16

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Demographics Since the 1980’s, Newport has reported steady and consistent declines in population. According to the 2014 U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, population in the City of Newport declined from 26,476 persons in 2000 to 24,957 persons in 2014, a seven percent decrease. Background data on a city’s population can help focus planning efforts on catering to the population present within the city. Newport has already taken steps to manage the population decline seen within the city, most notably in the disposition of public school properties. These have been re-purposed for a variety of uses. The city will need to go further to assess all of the service, revenue and quality of life implications of population decline. That detailed analysis will lead to the development and implementation of a strategy, tied to other key Plan goals and policies. Although population is declining, the city sees increases in population on a seasonal basis due to various industries as can be seen in Table 1-1. Tourism, the Navy, and Salve Regina University are all sectors that generate fluctuations in Newport’s nonresidential population. While the permanent resident population is generally decreasing, the city must plan for influxes in seasonal population. Table 1-1. Entities Causing Seasonal Population Growth in Newport Entity Population Naval War College (study body) 599 Salve Regina University (student enrollment) 2,121 U.S. Navy (civilian employees) 4,500 Tourism 3,500,000 Source: 2010-20104 American Community Survey One of the most important demographic characteristics of a population is its age-gender structure. Age-gender pyramids, also known as population pyramids, graphically display total population separated by age and gender. In Figure 1-1, to the left, Newport’s female and male residents are represented in red and blue, respectively. The left side of the figure is for the year 2000, with the right being for 2010. Figure 1-1. Trend in Population Decrease The age group figure is a visualization of the changes in the city’s population and give implications on where Newport is heading into the future. From 2000 to 2010, general increases can be seen in the age cohorts 50 years and up. Another sign of an aging population are the decreases in the youngest three age cohorts. The large spike in the 20 to 24 and 25 to 29 age cohorts can be attributed to the two postsecondary schools in Newport, Salve Regina University and Community College of Rhode Island. More information on demographic changes in Newport can be seen on Figure 1-2. Examining a community’s age distribution helps to understand the composition of the population. Newport’s age distribution shows a large percentage of population between the ages of 20 – 24. This may be due to the presence of the military and Salve Regina University. Page 1-4 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)