Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 15

1 Introduction In addition to the general goals contained in Element 110 of the SGP (listed above), each of the other major SGP Elements also contain specific goals (e.g. the goals from the 2014 “Rhode Island Rising” report, which is part of the SGP’s economic development element). However, for purposes of compliance with this specific requirement of the Act (i.e. consistency with SGP goals), a municipality is not required to specifically address each subject area goal listed or described in the SGP, in its comprehensive plan. The municipality is however, required to use the SGP elements as guidance in developing their own Plan’s content. Comprehensive Plan Requirements The Act also includes very detailed requirements for Plan content, data, maps analysis and policy, as well as the process for the Plan’s review and approval. In order to assist communities with developing and updating their Plans, the Rhode Island Division of Planning Statewide Planning Program has produced a number of general, as well as, topic specific guidance documents. In addition to required existing conditions maps, specific data sets, goals, policies, areas of analysis, and the implementation element, the State mandates specific topical elements. A list of the required and additional elements is provided at the end of this chapter, along with the corresponding chapter number where the element can be found in the plan. Finally, as a part of this plan, various issues and trends are explored in each element. Issues and Trends are identified in Chapters 3 through 14 using the icons described below. Issue A specific concern, opportunity, constraint relating to one or more topics (e.g. Over-reliance on seasonal tourism as the source of local employment and revenues) Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Trend The general course a topic is taking, or has been heading in the recent past (e.g. Newport has long been committed to providing ample affordable housing to its community) Page 1-3