Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 14

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan State Planning Act Goals The goals of the Act are found in RIGL 45-22.2-3 (c) and include:  To promote orderly growth and development that recognizes the natural characteristics of the land, its suitability for use, the availability of existing and proposed public and/or private services and facilities, and is consistent with available resources and the need to protect public health, including drinking water supply, drinking water safety, and environmental quality.  To promote an economic climate which increases quality job opportunities and overall economic well-being of each municipality and the state.  To promote the production and rehabilitation of year-round housing and to preserve government subsidized housing fo r persons and families of low and moderate income in a manner that: considers local, regional, and statewide needs; housing that achieves a balance of housing choices, for all income levels and age groups; recognizes the affordability of housing as the responsibility of each municipality and the state; takes into account growth management and the need to phase and pace development in areas of rapid growth; and facilitates economic growth in the state.  To promote the protection of the natural, historic and cultural resources of each municipality and the state.  To promote the preservation of the open space and recreational resources of each municipality and the state.  To provide for the use of performance-based standards for development and to encourage the use of innovative development regulations and techniques that promote the development of land suitable for development while protecting our natural, cultural, historical, and recreational resources, and achieving a balanced pattern of land uses.  To promote consistency of state actions and programs with municipal comprehensive plans, and provide for review procedures to ensure that state goals and policies are reflected in municipal comprehensive plans and state guide plans.  To ensure that adequate and uniform data are available to municipal and state government as the basis for comprehensive planning and land use regulation.  To ensure that municipal land use regulations and decisions are consistent with the comprehensive plan of the municipality, and to ensure state land use regulations and decisions are consistent with state guide plans.  To encourage the involvement of all citizens in the formulation, review, and adoption, or amendment of the comprehensive plan. State Guide Plan Goals The SGP is essentially a list of various plans developed separately and relating to the broad spectrum of subject areas typically addressed in a comprehensive plan. The SGP organizes its general goals (SGP Element 110) within four broad categorical areas:  Human Resources  Economic Development  Physical Development  Facilities and Services Page 1-2 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)