15 About the report and sustainability work
RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES - ENVIRONMENT Environmental risks that affect our business and value chain include , among others , climate change , depletion of natural resources , environmental impact from production , and changing consumption patterns . Many environmental risks are closely related to risks for people .
With growing customer interest and gradually changing behaviors , we see increased opportunities to further accelerate the development of more sustainable and circular products and supply chains . This also enables us to steer the business towards more resilient and resource-efficient methods and thereby create positive impact and more meaningful , long-term relationships with suppliers , customers , and other stakeholders .
RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES - SOCIAL Risks that affect people and human rights in our value chain are primarily related to working conditions , diversity , and the impact on communities caused by environmental destruction .
Respecting and promoting internationally recognized human rights is fundamental to everything we do . Our work is based on the implementation and follow-up of our Code of Conduct within the framework of amfori BSCI , of which New Wave Group is a member ( read more on page 26 ). Our due diligence regarding human rights is risk-based and applied within our own operations , throughout our value chain , and in the communities where we operate .
By promoting human rights , working to ensure good working conditions , and promoting inclusion and diversity throughout the value chain , we have the opportunity to help people reach their full potential and contribute to sustainable development in line with globally agreed goals .
DUE DILLIGENCE IN THE VALUE CHAIN New Wave Group conducts due diligence throughout the entire Group and value chain to identify risks and consequences , both social and environmental , and to prevent , reduce , and address such issues in line with the UN Guiding Principles ( UNGPs ). The process includes the following activities :
– Policy development : Establishment and implementation of relevant policies and norms in daily operations .
– Identification and assessment of negative effects in the value chain , including through materiality analysis , stakeholder dialogues , supplier mapping , supplier visits , and risk assessment tools within the framework of amfori BSCI ( Business Social Compliance Initiative ) and BEPI ( Business Environment Performance Initiative ).
– Complaints and incident management : New Wave Group has a whistleblowing function that allows employees , shareholders , consultants , suppliers , and other stakeholders to safely and anonymously provide information about misconduct . More information on when , what , and how to report is available on the company ' s website . It is expected that business partners have equivalent complaint systems at the operational level .
– Prevention and mitigation of negative impacts through competence development , internal and external ( third-party ) controls and visits , agreements and requirements , collaboration and communication with stakeholders , partnerships , and networks .
– Follow-up on implementation and results through internal and external ( third-party ) controls and visits , collection of documentation , test results , and certifications , quality controls , collaboration , and communication with stakeholders .
– Communication of how the effects are managed , including through sustainability reporting , collaboration , and communication with stakeholders , reporting to stakeholders , presentations , and lectures .