New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2023 | Page 14

14 About the report and sustainability work

Organization and gover nance

CSR & Sustainability Manager
The main responsibility for the sustainability work lies with the Group ' s board and Audit committee . The overal responsibility for strategies , goals , and follow-up lies with the Group Management and the CSRand Sustainability manager . The operational responsibility is decentralized to the subsidiaries and their respective CEO .
CODE OF CONDUCT , POLICIES AND GUIDELINES New Wave Group is committed to conduct business according to good business practices and with high ethical standards in all relationships with stakeholders . The foundation of this work is New Wave Group ' s values and Code of Conduct , where we strive to work preventively to the greatest extent possible and apply the precautionary principle .
In addition to the Code of Conduct , further group-wide policies and guidelines include the following : CSR and Environmental Policy , Quality Policy , Corporate Governance Policy , Finance Policy , Risk Policy , IT policy , Information Policy , Insider Policy , Anti-corruption Policy , Anti-money laundering Policy , and Whistleblower Policy .
During the year , the CSR and environmental policy have been updated regarding , among other things , water usage , biodiversity , and plastic usage .
INTERNAL CONTROL The Board is responsible for internal control . The goal is to establish a clear responsibility structure and efficient decision-making process . The Board ' s working procedures and instructions for the CEO ensure a clear role and allocation of responsibilities aimed at effectively managing the risks of the operations . The Board also establishes the basic guidelines and policies that are significant for ensuring an effective control environment . These governance documents are subject to annual review and approval by the Board . In addition to these documents , a functioning control environment requires an adequate organizational structure and ongoing review thereof . The Group management regularly reports to the Board according to established procedures . Group management is responsible for the system of internal controls required to manage significant risks in ongoing operations . Managers at various levels within the group have defined authorities and responsibilities regarding internal control .