New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2023 | Page 16

16 About the report and sustainability work

Sustainability goals

In order to realize our sustainability strategy and vision to maximize our contribution to globally agreed goals for sustainable development , we have defined strategies , policies and goals . Here are our most important sustainability goals .
CLIMATE IMPACT AND EMISSIONS According to the GHG Protocol , a company ' s emissions are divided into three scopes . Scope 1 includes emissions occurring in the company ' s own operations ( direct ), such as fuel combustion and emissions from vehicles the organization owns or controls . Scope 2 encompasses emissions ( indirect ) from purchased electricity , steam , heat , and cooling . Scope 3 concerns other indirect emissions , including from purchased materials , product use , waste management , business travel , etc ., that the organization does not own or control .
In previous years , New Wave Group has partially mapped emissions according to the GHG Protocol for scope 1 and 2 , as well as for long-distance transportation in scope 3 . For the year 2023 , a more comprehensive mapping has been conducted for the first time using Worldfavor ' s emission calculator . The mapping provides us with an understanding of our emissions , but challenges such as access to quality data in a global value chain , uncertainty about calculation methods , and aggregation of data at the group level persist . We are aware that improving the quality of the data must occur gradually .
Goal formulations are under discussion in the Group ' s Board and Audit committee . The ambition is to present the goals in connection with transition to reporting according to ESRS .
Direct emissions from own facilities and company operated cars .
Indirect emissions from purchased electricity and district heating .
Indirect emissions from business travel , purchased goods and services and transportation .
Emissions ton CO2e
Scope 1 ( 1 % of total ) 2 849 Company cars ( owned or leased ) 1 245
Delivery vehicles ( owned or leased ) 248 Fuel 1 356 Scope 2 ( 1 % of total ) 4 096
District heating / cooling
1 219
Purchased electricity
2 877
Scope 3 ( 98 % of total ) 352 433 Business travel 10 606 Purchased goods and services ** 323 859 Transportation and distribution *** 17 968 Total CO2e ( t ) emissions 359 378 Total CO2e ( t ) emissions / SEK million 38
2023 Goal Comment
Formulation of goals are under discussion in the Group ’ s Board and
Audit committee .
Mapping of emissions according to the GHG protocol has been done by the respective subsidiary using Worldfavor ’ s emission calculator .*
* Emissions factors in the Worldfavor tool have been collected from open-source databases , mainly from DEFRA .
** To avoid double reporting from intra-group transaction , where the brand owning subsidiary sells to a sister company , only products purchased by the brand owning subsidiary and external purchases by B . T . C . Active Wear Limited have been included in the consolidation .
*** Some double reporting may occur due to difficulties in calculating intra-group transactions .