New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 47

47 GRI index
COMPANY CARS 2021 With a large number of traveling salesmen , company cars are a natural part of New Wave Group ’ s business . Like many other business decisions , the choice of company cars is decentralized to the subsidiaries . Several of the companies have car policies including the aim of using more environmental friendly alternatives .
Diesel fuel
Gasoline fuel
Hybrid or electric
Number ( previous year in paranthesis ) 303 ( 325 ) 42 ( 45 ) 37 ( 6 )
Kilometers 790 671 103 491 28 568 Litres * 355 802 62 095 -
Emissions WTW kg CO 2
** 953 549 177 530 -
* The calculations are made with the following standard values on mileage and fuel type : 0.45 litres / 10 kilometers for diesel and 0.6 litres / 10 kilometers for gasoline .
** The calculations are based on the average emission data for the fuel sold in Sweden during 2020 / 2021 , which is the latest available .
Disclosure Disclosure / title Comment Page
GRI 301 : Materials
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 301
Decisions regarding materials are decentralized to the subsidiaries . New Wave Group aim to introduce more sustainable and eco-friendly materials in our range of products .
Own indicator
Products with sustainability attribute
SR p . 12
GRI 302 : Energy
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 302
The direct energy consumption occurs mainly in own production , where we have direct influence , and real estate energy . Other significant parts of energy consumption are upstream in our suppliers ’ factories and also downstream , for example , by washing garments . Therefore , we work to reduce our own consumption , focus on manufacturers ’ environmental work through audits , and advise customers on care instructions for garments .
GRI 305 : Emissions
103-1 / 2
Energy consumption within the organization
Management Approach , 305
Energy we use within the Swedish companies . SR p . 46
The largest share of emissions comes from the production ( scope 3 ). Priorities for decreasing total GHG emisisons are to develop high quality products that enable long product lifetime and to spread knowledge and facilitate for sustainable consumption . In addition , sustainable impact comes from freight transportation . Therefore we are actively working create effective routines and to influence the transportation providers we cooperate with .
SR p . 11,24
Direct ( Scope 1 ) GHG emissions
Company cars . SR p . 47
Indirect ( Scope 2 ) GHG emissions
Data is not aggregated on Group level .
Other indirect ( Scope 3 ) GHG emissions
Currently only freight transportation . The largest share of emissions comes from production ( at contracted suppliers ) but data can yet not be reported due to complexity to collect and aggregate data correctly .
SR p . 11,14
Reduction of GHG emissions
See Management Approach , 305 .
GRI 308 : Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 308
Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken .
New Wave Group works with other actors in the industry to gain an understanding of the environmental impact in the supplier chain , and how we through requirements and development projects can contribute to improvements .
An assessment of new suppliers , as well as ongoing assessments of existing ones , are conducted . To some extent , environmental requirements are included in the amfori BSCI audits , but are also included in our internal audits .