46 GRI index
GRI 201 :
Economic performance
Disclosure Disclosure / title Comment Page
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 201
Direct economic value generated and distributed
AR p . 16-37
AR p . 58-59
GRI 205 : Anticorruption 2016 |
103-1 / 2 |
Management Approach , 205 |
Risk for corruption can be found in our sourcing processes and in the meetings with our customers . Fundamental for the preventive work is the values of New Wave Group , the Code of Conduct and additional Group policys . During audits of suppliers there is a risk of corruption , which is a serios zero tolerance issue . |
SR p . 16-18 |
205-1 |
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption |
See Management Approach , 205 . |
205-2 |
Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresn |
Communication of Code of Conduct is made to all suppliers with related agreements . Follow-up and training is conducted within the framework of amfori BSCI and the International Accord . |
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
GRI 207 : |
Tax 2019 |
207-1 |
Approach to tax |
No reported incidents during the year .
No communicated tax strategy . The Group ’ s Finance policy includes a Tax section , governance and approach to regulatory compliance is described .
207-2 |
Tax governance , control and risk management |
Description of governance body and control is included in the Group ’ s Finance Policy . Disclosures on tax are reviewed by the Group ’ s auditors when reviewing the financial reports . |
207-3 |
Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax |
The Group Finance Policy states that New Wave Group shall strive to have an open and transparent dialogue with tax authorities . Stakeholder engagement with other stakeholders such as shareholders takes place continuously . |
SR p . 43 |
EU TAXONOMY Work has been done to map financial activities and / or sectors that could be classified as environmentally sustainable in accordance with the EU Taxonomy , a classification system establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities . New Wave Group works systematically for sustainability and continuous improvement in the industry we operate , but our conclusion is that the Group currently has no financial activities or sectors to report as aligned with the Taxonomy , at this phase of the development of the Taxonomy .
ENERGY USE WITHIN THE SWEDISH COMPANIES Within the framework of the Swedish Act ( 2014:266 ) on energy mapping in large companies ( EKL ), an overall energy audit for New Wave Group and its subsidiaries in Sweden has been conducted . The result was reported to the authorities in March 2021 and showed that New Wave Group in Sweden used a total of 29.104 MWh annually . Of the Group ’ s significant energy users , the Kosta Boda glasswork and Glasma ’ s facilities will be prioritized for detailed mapping during this EKL period ( 2020-2023 ) where site visits for detailed mappings will be conducted by certified energy auditor .