GRI 404 : Training and
Education 2016
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 404
Average hours of training per year per employee
The responsibility for regular evaluation , career development and education lies on the respective company within the Group .
Based on the estimations from the companies , the average number of training hours ( internally and externally ) per year and employee is 10 hours .
GRI 405 : Diversity and Equal
Opportunity 2016
103-1 / 2
Management Approach , 405
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
Diversity , gender equality and anti-discrimination are a fundamental principles of the Code of Conduct .
Currently , only by gender .
SR p . 36 , AR p . 82 |
GRI 407 :
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
103-1 / 2 Management Approach , 407 , 408 , 409
Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk
Freedom of association and collective bargaining , no child labor and no forced labor are fundamental principles in the Code of Conduct . The Code of Conduct is followed up through third-party audits , internal audits and factory visits .
An increased risk of limited association freedom of association and collective bargaining lays in the product supply chain , in particular factories and subcontractors in risk countries .
SR p . 16-18 |
GRI 408 : Child Labor
408-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor |
An increased risk for incidents of child labour lays further down in the supply chain , where the control is limited . . |
GRI 409 :
Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016
409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor |
An increased risk of forced or compulsory labor lays in the product supply chain , in particular factories and subcontractors in risk countries . |
GRI 414 : Supplier
Social Assessment
103-1 / 2 Management Approach , 414 |
The assessment of social aspects of supplies is a challenge , not just for us but for the entire industry . All suppliers acknowledge the Code of Conduct as part of the Business Agreement and an assessment of social aspects must be done before the first purchase order . The assessment is done either through self-assessment , an internal audit or a third-party audit ( amfori BSCI or equivalent ). Our goal is to include all our suppliers located in risk countries in amfori BSCI or an equal monitoring system . |
SR p . 16-18 |
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria |
SR p . 18 |