mer. Both our bands were eventu-
ally being considered by a label in
New York and we were showcas-
ing for them on the same night at
CBGB. Adam told me that night
his band was currently in legal dis-
cussions with Jakob Dylan’s lawyer
because his band had the same
name and he wanted to keep it.
Technically it was proven that
Adam and Chris had first rights to
it but I believe they sold them to
Jakob for a price and Fountains of
Wayne was born. It seemed right
to me that Adam was already sort
of rubbing elbows with rock roy-
alty, even before all his coming
successes. (This info is to the best
of my recollection)
Personal memories - On our tours
Adam and I roomed together so
I got to know him well. He was
so easy to hang out with. We re-
ally got along. The band would
take turns choosing what record
would be playing on the bus and
he opened my ears to some cool
bands. He had great taste. He
turned me on to the Beastie Boys’
“Paul’s Boutique” which has be-
come a personal all-time favorite.
I remember us trying to learn all
Rachel Bloom performs the 2019 Obie Awards Opening Number