New Jersey Stage Issue 47 | Page 91

man sitting next to him... John. fucking. Bullock. Sandra’s father! “Scott and I just looked at each other with our mouths hanging to the floor,” she recalled. “I was like, ‘Sir, you’re not going to be- lieve this’” and she proceeded to tell him about her story and her desire to have Sandra in the leading role. The very charming gentleman, responded in calm panicked southern accent, “I can’t hear anything! You have to go through Sandy’s agent. If you tell me your story and then San- dy ends up doing a film that’s similar, we can get sued.” Without Sandra, the part fell to Linda herself, which wasn’t a bad thing. She not only knew the script, she had lived it, and she wouldn’t have to be paid or wor- ry about an actor quitting a role shot over a two year period. But she made Russin promise her that if he thought she sucked, they’d get someone else. After a couple of scenes, Russin looked up from the monitor, “Holy shit, Linda, you can act!” Robin U. Russin, Director of When I Sing NJ STAGE - ISSUE 47 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 91